Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Team work....i dont want it!!

"Well, what do you think of Team Work?"...asked a potential recruiter to me. I replied, "Team Work is unavoidable in the real world of labor but responsibilities of participating members must be clearly defined and there should not be overlap of tasks". He replied, "That is good, we will get back to you if we find you suitable for the job". That was the last i heard of him. Did i say something wrong about team work? Is it blasphemy if you disagree that team work ain't the best thing on earth? Well, thats my opinion. Last time i worked in a team, i became the team at the end. Last time i saw my friend working in a team, he told me the same thing. I think the meaning of team work has been adulterated so much that it has been misinterpreted and wrongly implemented by amateurs. Maybe i am wrong because i am a fresher and never worked in a company but i am getting scared of the word team work and its implementation already.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Narnia: Prince caspian....Hahahaha

All said and done, i am a movie buff. I watch movies because i like to watch them. Because, thats my way of saying to this world..." Ok...step away. I wanna rest". But there is a movie that comes once in a while that changes the meaning of movie making and hits me so hard that i get scared to watch another one. Well i always thought that England has produced the dumbest people on earth except that they gave to this world some of the best actors and music artists. But Narnia, a profound example of bloody British doltish attitude takes me to a newer low. Accepting the fact that directed by a New Zealand director and produced by Walt Disney it overflows with British actors and stupidity. The screenplay sucks and the script was probably written by a 10 year old. If you are between the age 18-25 and watching the movie you would probably feel like killing the four kings and queens of Narnia. But ironically Aslan the lion, who is expected to show some action is the worst disappointment ever. He does not appear almost till the end of the movie and is the worst fighter in the entire war. Almost throughout the entire movie the focus is on a mouse which fights with a sword that is the size of a needle and ties up a cat....who on the god's earth would watch that???
Prince Caspian has to be the director's son otherwise he would not have got a chance to act in a movie. The only character that made a little impact on me was the Professor of Prince Caspian. Since most of his face was covered with hair i have no idea if he had any expressions but did deliver few good lines in the movie. To sum it up if you feel that you have an enemy and want him to die, get him a ticket to Narnia and make him watch it alone.