Saturday, October 4, 2008

Snatch- Worth the watch!!

I had been postponing to watch this British film not knowing its cast and the director for a long time. Finally when i watched it it took the breath away from me. Directed by Guy Ritchie the cast includes Brad Pitt, Jason Statham, Stephen Graham and a lot others. The movie has a good storyline and does not loose speed at any point of time. Comedies are subtle and are efficiently delivered by the actors. As usual Pitt takes the role of a invincible man with lot of muscle and brain. He does well in the Irish accent and gives us a lot of exciting moments in the film. Statham plays a normal guy's role and does a good job too. I specially liked the African American trio who provided a lot of funny moments. Though the film has no great message nor tells us any great story it has been well directed and well presented and deserves the #161 place in IMDB top 250.


Direction: 8/10
Acting : 8/10
Background Score: 7/10
Overall: 7.7/10

1 comment:

Surviving Sanity said...

watch the prequel of sorts - lock, stock and two smoking barrels (1998).. would've been even better if you got to see this one before snatch...