Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How i stopped worrying and learned to love the american food.

It was my first week in America and i was scooting across Marshall street looking for a place to eat. Fatigue had hit me and i badly needed carbohydrates. I came across this food outlet called Augies and went in quickly realizing that this seemed like an inexpensive place to eat. Being a vegetarian all my life had never been a problem in India. There was always a Adyar Ananda Bhavan or a Shanti Sagar to the rescue. But this was a different place and i had read about the massive amount of beef these people consume. Everything under the sky revolved around beef here and i was a bit unsure of the menu in the place i went. To my rescue there was cheese pizza and i happily munched away the food.

Slowly i eased into the American system of nourishment and started trying different vegetarian dishes. Sometime it was terrible and sometimes it was awesome. I had always read in people's profile that they love Italian food, so i tried pasta and other such dishes and hated it. I guess salt has still not been discovered in Italy and spices are like alien contact for them, something in the future. I also once went to a middle eastern restaurant and loved the food there.

Once i was in JFK and was extremely hungry and in a state of hurry ordered Japanese rice and got so sick that i had nightmares during my flight. Chinese food is safe bed for rice lovers but i always get the idea that something from the dish is going to come out and sting me. Maybe it is just my imagination let loose but i still believe it is quite possible.

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