Saturday, September 27, 2008

Top Ten movies of all time

Here is a list of ten movies which have made an impression on me. There are a lot more that are amazing but i believe these 10 are the best and i would watch them any number of times and at any time.

1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. A Beautiful Mind.
3. One flew over the cuckoo's nest.
4. The Dark Knight
5. Apocalypse Now
6. Schindler's List
7. Jurassic park
8. The Matrix
9. The Lives of others(Leben der Anderen, Das)
10. Fight Club

Miracle at St. Anna - In for a surprise

Miracle at St.Anna is directed by Spike Lee, the director of the big movies like Malcolm X and Inside Man. Based on the novel by James McBride the movie gave a lot of hope and expectations to the audience and also to me. I decide to watch the movie in a theater and was prepared for the 2 Hr and 40 minutes of WWII story. What came in was a surprise to me. Comparing to other WWII movies that i have watched like Saving Private Ryan, Windtalkers etc. this stood no competition. But i sat along for the mystery to be unfolded that they had promised. The cast was all new and the African American team were entertaining but i do not believe that they had the same accent back then in 1944 as they have now. I distantly felt that Snoop Dog and 50 Cent were rapping the dialogs in the back. The story dragged a lot in the middle and i would not give a "thumbs up" for direction either. I did watch Inside Man a few years ago but do not remember it well and hence could not gauge the Director's style. I felt that the background score was kind of ripped away from the movie and i heard it separately in my head.


Direction : 5/10
Acting : 6/10
Background Score :4/10
Overall :5/10

Form here on....

For a long time i have wondered what my real passion is? I tried doing everything possible and lost interest in the middle of it or in most case just in the beginning. But to my surprise i have never gotten tired of watching movies. I moved from moderate Indian Tamil/Hindi movies to a much better Hollywood movies only to find out out that Hollywood do not make the best movies in the world. So i ventured into other indie movies and later in German, Italian and Brazilian movies. I was stunned at their direction and storytelling ability. But i did visit my native movies quite frequently. So i have decided to start blogging on movies and also soon come up with my own rating system. From here on i would be discussing about one or more movie in my blog posting. I may also blog on older movies. So here it goes......