Saturday, September 27, 2008

Miracle at St. Anna - In for a surprise

Miracle at St.Anna is directed by Spike Lee, the director of the big movies like Malcolm X and Inside Man. Based on the novel by James McBride the movie gave a lot of hope and expectations to the audience and also to me. I decide to watch the movie in a theater and was prepared for the 2 Hr and 40 minutes of WWII story. What came in was a surprise to me. Comparing to other WWII movies that i have watched like Saving Private Ryan, Windtalkers etc. this stood no competition. But i sat along for the mystery to be unfolded that they had promised. The cast was all new and the African American team were entertaining but i do not believe that they had the same accent back then in 1944 as they have now. I distantly felt that Snoop Dog and 50 Cent were rapping the dialogs in the back. The story dragged a lot in the middle and i would not give a "thumbs up" for direction either. I did watch Inside Man a few years ago but do not remember it well and hence could not gauge the Director's style. I felt that the background score was kind of ripped away from the movie and i heard it separately in my head.


Direction : 5/10
Acting : 6/10
Background Score :4/10
Overall :5/10

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