Saturday, November 29, 2008

Top Ten Action Movies of all time!

Here is my list of ten hard action movies. I have left out movies which have super heroes, is a science fiction or is a thriller. The movies are pure action and stunts.

1. Die Hard
2. Bourne Ultimatum
3. Kill Bill series
4. Rambo
5. Gladiator
6. Lethal Weapon
7. Enter the Dragon
8. Brave Heart
9. Lord of the Rings
10. Rocky

It was pretty easy to make the list because i had already filtered the rest based on other genres. I believe Die Hard is the best action movie.


raghav said...

LOTR doesnt come in Action genre da!!
LOTR is fantasy.

raghav said...

I agree with Die hard, it is awesome

Krishnan Ravi said...

generally when making a film the director doesnt specify the genre. LOTR is action, adventure and fantasy. Though it is fantasy it majorly an action film.

Jose Benhamin said...

Looking at Kill Bill series, I feel like you are simply considering "action" in the movies and not "GOOD action". I personally didn't like the action in Kill Bill, sheer crap.

Krishnan Ravi said...

Kill Bill series won the Saturn award for best Action/Adventure/Thriller film in 2003. It is an action film similar to Matrix. I left out Matrix coz it would come under Science Fiction.